journal_etc Jul 13, 2010 17:38
they tried to make me go to rehab..., shut up, drinks?, whistle while you work, christy, gin gin gin, whut?, better, everyone ever, jon you muppet, dazzle on this, the beat that my heart skipped, oops, i'm sorry, this water isn't water, hmm i wonder, watch out for hidden fruits, here we go again, sky castles, tags are stupid, bla bla bla
journal_etc Sep 17, 2009 22:33
end it, why do you hate me nena?, can we go home yet?, kill me now, nena, quel est le point?, ew a date, nena hates me, stealth cranberries, i'm better than you, he's back, do not disturb, the beat that my heart skipped, piss off eh?, what fresh hell is this?, do not want, watch out for hidden fruits, ffs, nena can't eat proper, brain rape, are we quite finished?, thirtyfour apparently., i lose, idiots, this water isn't chilled, i want to die, just fuck off, wales, stop being a bitch, someone do it for me, boohissboo, sadtimes, "music", i hate everything